We’re beyond excited to announce the launch of our new blog. Now, all our customers, current and future ones have a platform to find out what is happening at Globe IT. In our blog you will get information and details about all our activities. Here we update interesting facts and articles about business meetings, trades & shows that we attend.
In order to achieve our ambitious goals to support our customers, we had developed the present blog to maintain a constant and fluent feedback. We sincerely care about our clients, currents and potentials. Because of that, we defend the philosophy to support them before, meanwhile and after, being constantly open to receive your commentaries, questions, or suggestions. For us, it will be a sign of satisfaction and efficient work that you as a costumer, potential one or just as someone interested in IT solutions will contact our team.
We run our first steps in the late nineties. In 1998 we open to the market with the goal to not only support the needs of our clients. We went further developing solutions to resolve issues and vulnerabilities that some our clients were not aware of them. Nowadays, with more than 15 years of experience and after cooperating with c.a. one thousand of companies, institutions and clients we are deeply mature in the IT business solutions. We ensure that any of our clients, from the single costumer to the multinational companies receive equally treatment.
Our heterogenic team allows us to fix all the angles of the prism, being able to work in more than 10 languages. The multiple fields that compose our team guarantee that no matter which is the issue of your business we will understand it, recognize its value inside of the market and resolve your needs.
We work to resolve issues, no matter where, and how, with one and only condition: the satisfaction of our customers. If you need, our technician will move to your location (city or country) to have a direct, pleasant and efficient contact. Sometimes we believe that to express the needs of your business in a third language can be difficult. Because of that, we want to increase your comfort trying to speak your native language to allow you to explain your requisites with accuracy avoiding misunderstanding. Due to that we speak: English, German, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Italian, French, Ukrainian, Belarusian, Moldavian and Portuguese.
globeit.ninja jest oficjalnym blogem firmy Globe IT.
Globe IT to firma świadczącą kompleksowe usługi z zakresu rozwiązań eleinformatycznych oraz e-marketingu. Łączymy innowacyjne i kreatywne pomysły z nowoczesną technologią. Specjalizujemy się w projektowaniu, budowie oraz wdrażaniu dedykowanych systemów IT oraz telekomunikacyjnych.
Misją naszej firmy jest:
- Dostarczanie nowoczesnych rozwiązań teleinformatycznych dla dużych korporacji oraz firm z sektora MŚP.
- Dostarczanie produktów najwyższej jakości dzięki zrozumieniu potrzeb klientów i spełnieniu ich oczekiwań.
Realizujemy projekty zarówno w kraju, jak i za granicą współpracując z najlepszymi specjalistami na rynku.
Dysponujemy profesjonalnym zespołem programistów, analityków oraz wykwalifikowaną kadrą zarządzającą, gwarantującą terminową realizację projektów z zachowaniem najwyższych standardów jakości.
Sukcesywnie poszerzamy gamę produktów dbając o jakość i precyzję wykonania. Dostosowujemy ofertę do indywidualnych oczekiwań klientów.
Na rynku jesteśmy obecni od ponad 15 lat. Jesteśmy solidnym i wiarygodnym partnerem.